Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to Gibsonville...

Well you can thank my wonderful sister over at Wade's World for introducing me to blogging. She is awesome at blogging and I in no way intend to attempt to be as good as her at this! This is just my way of keeping up with my life and amusing Amy! So here we go...

Welcome to Gibsonville.
I met my husband at church my senior year of high school, Oct. 14, 2001. We became good friends fairly quickly and he was one of my strongest backers when I went to college. We talked at least once a week and he was constantly encouraging me and praying for me. We started dating the summer after my first year of college and never looked back. He proposed while we were home on break from the summer camp we were working on July 18, 2005. He had me totally fooled and both of our families were completely in on the fun. He went all out and spelled "Will you marry me?" using dowels and fishing line across the swimming pool in my parents' back yard. We were married November 18, 2006 at the church where we met.

On July 3, 2009 we found out that we are expecting our first child March 14, 2010. We were going to North Carolina that weekend to see Jason's grandmother and had told each other we would wait until after the weekend to test. We changed our minds Friday morning and went ahead and tested. It was about 6:30 in the morning when I tested and then went and crawled back in bed, determined not to look until the 2 minutes were up. I cheated and looked early. The only sounds I made were indeterminable gasps and ooh's. Jason said, "Don't mess with me." So I showed it him. After several more ooh's and "Oh my goodness"es and "No ways" we were semi convinced. I took another test which was quickly positive and then we didn't know what to do.

We went ahead and went to NC, keeping our secret hush-hush. Sunday, when we got back home we went to my parents house where my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew were going to eat supper with the family. We had snuck in the house ahead of everyone and set up our camera with a picture of our news. We told them we wanted to show them pictures from our trip and rafting, etc. My sister blurts out, "You're not making an annoucement, are you?" We dismissed that comment and proceeded. The first picture was of me sitting in the rocking chair of my grandmother's that my husband had redone. The second was me sitting in the chair with belly showing, which said, "Guess what?"

The room went completely silent. I mean, crickets chirping silent. After a few seconds I turned around to see everyone's open mouthed stares. Apparently no one saw this coming and we completely shocked them (our goal). My sister, while elated, was not so happy that I had not informed her we were trying to get pregnant.

I went the dr. the next week to confirm the pregnancy and as of this post I'm 10 1/2 weeks pregnant. So far, pregnancy and my body aren't quite sure they want to be friends. At 8 weeks I woke up with pain on the right side of my back. Suspecting a kidney infection, I got a glass of water. Let's just say that water was not what my kidneys/stomach wanted. After several hours in the ER and a follow-up appt. with my great OB the next day, I was admitted to the hospital for a week to treat a UTI and kidney infection. Unbeknowst to anyone, I also had a kidney stone which I passed the day I was scheduled to get out of the hospital. So far, no more stones or infections, but I was informed to prepare for the next one. Lucky me! I'm now on a high liquid diet, which is tons of fun while pregnant. Oh, and did I mention that I'm a home health therapist and travel for a living, sometimes up to an hour and a half away! I have stopped in some of the nastiest places known to man all for the love of my child, my kidneys, and my poor bladder!

Hopefully, I will be able to update regularly to keep myself and everyone else up to date with life here in Gibsonville. Stick around for the inevitable fun that lies ahead with pregnancy and parenting...


  1. Now Now -- I found out about your blogspot on the internet. That's a big NO NO. Thoroughly enjoyed your new blog.

  2. Can I just tell you how proud of you I am for your first blog post. It was fantastic!! I'm so excited that you are blogging and I can't wait to spread the word about Gibsonville. Love you!

  3. Came over from Amy's blog! Welcome to blog world, look forward to reading!

  4. I came over here from Amy's blog--that is a fun story! I'll be back! :-)

  5. So glad you have a blog now. Love the title too. And glad you are better!
