Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Don't rock the boat!

On Thursday morning at 6am, the whole family is headed to New Orleans to get on board
headed for
I'm so looking forward toandand
But most of all, I'm looking forward to this and this!

This is my and Jason's first cruise and we are super excited. I told the doctor not to worry about that pound I lost at my last appointment because I would make up for it. And as luck would have it, I go to the doctor the Monday after we get back from the cruise!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nursery Furniture

I think we've decided on a nursery furniture collection. We looked at it in a local store and the look, size, and height seem to be a good combination for us.

The crib is a convertible crib with guard rail included for conversion to a toddler bed.We're also looking at getting the dresser:Which includes additional pieces to make a nightstand (we'll get the darker color):And a bookcase for storage:
Not sure when we'll get it, but I think its the one!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Can you hear me now?

My sister let us borrow one of those fetal heart tone monitors to try to hear the baby the other night. After forgetting to buy a 9 volt battery on two different occasions at Wal-Mart, we finally remembered! She cautioned us that she and Jeremy had no luck with it...apparently we were no different. You can, however, hear my stomach growl very loudly on the monitor and if your husband decides to ask questions while you have the earphones on it feels like you are standing in front of the speakers at a concert and now totally deaf! My heart sounded pretty cool though, but the baby's went unheard...

Until Wednesday. We went for our 13 week check-up Wednesday and got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. We've seen it 5 times on ultrasound and had the rate checked twice (164 and 184), but that was the first time to hear our little one. What a neat sound. It took a little repositioning to hear it, and once again my stomach tried to steal the show, but we were elated!

In other news from the appointment: I lost a pound. Not quite sure how that happened since I now have a baby bump, haven't had any morning sickness (exception being the kidney stone), and am not avoiding foods or trying to limit myself. Oh well...it will all catch up soon enough. My luck I'll have gained like 10 by next appointment. My blood pressure was 98/60 (woo hoo!). Dr. Lawhon tried to schedule me for the screening test next appointment, but after several questions we turned the test down with no problems from the doctor, which I really appreciated. I now have an emergency prescription for Tami-Flu as 2 of my patients decided not to tell me their families had the flu until I had been in the house about 30 minutes each time. I was very frustrated by this...come on, folks...common sense says tell people that are coming to your house that you have the flu and either don't need to come or need to take precautions! Best news of all from the appointment: we get an ultrasound next visit and hopefully will be able to find out if it's a boy or a girl!!

That's all for now...still debating on nursery furniture...I'll keep ya posted. Thanks for all the helpful comments.